Auditions for “the miss firecracker contest” Will be:

march 5th & 6th beginning at 7 p.m.

auditions will be held at the Leavenworth Performing Arts Center, 500 Delaware, Leavenworth, KS

Please arrive between 6:30 & 7 P.M., to fill out audition sheet

Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script. The story is set in the early 80’s in a small town in Mississippi.

If cast, accents will be encouraged and worked on in rehearsals.

 Cast requirements: 4 women, appearing to be in their mid-20s to mid-30s:

*Please note: Some roles may be doubled depending on auditions. The actress playing Carnelle will be asked to wear a wig if she’s (understandably) not down for walking around 24/7 with fire-engine red hair.

CARNELLE: 24, Earnest, kind, and hungry for validation, Carnelle is hoping winning a beauty contest will redeem herself to the community (Actress will need bright red hair for this role. Dyed or wigged—just know that’s part of this role!)

POPEYE: 23, Popeye finds beauty in odd places and accepts people where they’re at. She’s kind of oblivious to how awkward she can make things with her straightforward, stream of consciousness talking.

ELAINE: 32, Elaine is Carnelle’s older cousin and Delmount’s older sister. She longs for the life she could have had if she wasn’t doing what was expected of her by her mother.

 DELMOUNT: 28, Elaine’s younger brother and Carnelle’s cousin. Delmount has a soft spot for unwanted creatures but has no attachment to “things.” He’s a sensitive guy and protective of his sister and cousin.

 MAC SAM: 36, Walking death but somehow alluring. Think—repulsively sexy. He’s wasting away and totally fine with it, he’s focused on and comfortable with what brings him joy.

 TESSY MAHONEY: 23, She’s the beauty pageant coordinator and aggressively cheerful until she can’t be. She’s grown up as the “uglier” sister of a pair of ugly sisters and has adapted a nice, cheerful persona to counteract the face that people see.

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